Cheviot, O July 19th 1901
The following members elect to the Village Council of Cheviot, F. W. Rodenberg, Jacob Wagenbach, Fred Kenker, Leon Herbst, Sherman Applegate, and Chas Reemelin, met at the room of the Township Trustees, at the Cheviot Hotel and proceeded to organize by electing Sherman Applegate President Pro Tem, and Chas H. Reemelin Clerk Pro Tem.
F. W. Rodenberg, Jacob Wagenbach, Fred Kenker, Leon Herbst, Sherman Applegate, and Chas Reemelin each presented a certificate of their election, a copy of which is as follows to wit.
State of Ohio, Hamilton Co.
Green Township.
The following is a list of the Officers of the Village of Cheviot, elected Wednesday the 17th day of July 1901, showing the names of the persons chosen, and to what offices respectively, to wit.
- Henry Fischer was elected Village Mayor
- Edward Glaschein was elected Village Treasurer
- Sherman Applegate, F. W. Rodenberg, Jacob Wagenbach, Fred Kenker, Leon Herbst, and Chas Reemelin were elected Village Councilmen
- Geo P. Tait was elected Village Clerk
- J. Thane Weaver was elected Village Marshal
- Albert J. Becker was elected Village Sealer of Weights and Measures.
Each of the above named persons is required to appear within ten days after said election, before me or some other officer authorized to administer oaths of offices, and give bond as required by law, and take the Oath of Office.
Done at my office in said township this 18th day of July A.D. 1901
David Hutchinson
Township Clerk
A certificate that the Officers, elected as Village Councilmen, had taken the Oath of Office, was also presented, a copy of which is as follows, to wit.
State of Ohio
Hamilton Co.
Before me Edward C. Reemelin, a notary public within and for said county, personnally came Leon Herbst, Frederick Kenker, F. W. Rodenberg, Sherman Applegate, Jacob Wagenbach and Chas H. Reemelin, who being sworn according to law, say each for himself that he will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Ohio, and that he will faithfully, honestly and impartially discharge his duties as a member of Council of the Village of Cheviot, Hamilton County, Ohio during his continuance in Said Office, and until his successor is chosen and qualified
Leon Herbst
Frederick Kenker
F. W. Rodenberg
Sherman Applegate
Jacob Wagenbach
Chas H. Reemelin
Sworn to before me and signed in my presence this 18th day of July A.D. 1901
Edward C. Reemelin
Notary Public within and for
Hamilton County, Ohio
On motion of C. H. Reemelin, seconded by F. W. Rodenberg, the certificates as before set forth were accepted and Council of the Village of Cheviot declared itself in session.
A Special Ordinance prescribing the bond for the newly elected Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer, Marshal, and Sealer of Weights and Measures was offered and given its first reading.
Leon Herbst then moved to dispense with the rules requiring that the resolution or ordinance shall be fully and distinctly read on three different days and that the Clerk Pro Tem read said resolution or ordinance by its title the second and third time, and that the resolution or ordinance be put upon its passage immediately, which was seconded by Jacob Wagenbach, and upon call of the roll was declared carried, all members of Council being present and voting Aye.
The Clerk Pro Tem then proceeded to read said ordinance by its title the second and third time and said Special Ordinance was at once put upon its passage and upon call of roll passed, all members of Council being present and voting Aye. Which ordinance so passed reads as follows to wit.
A Special Ordinance prescribing the bond for the newly elected Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer, Marshal, and Sealer of Weights and Measures.
Sec. 1. Be it ordainded by the Council of the Village of Cheviot that the amounts of bonds required to be given by Mayor Henry Fischer, Corporation Clerk George B. Tait, Treasurer Edward Glaschein, Marshal J. Thane Weaver and Sealer of Weights and Measures Albert J. Becker for the faithful performance of their duties shall be as follows:
Mayor | $1000.00 |
Clerk | $250.00 |
Treasurer | $1000.00 |
Marshal | $500.00 |
Sealer of Weights and Measures | $100.00 |
Sec. 2. This Special Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
Henry Fischer then offered his bond in the sum of one thousand ($1000.00) dollars with Geo. Fischer and John Hader as Sureties. On motion of Leon Herbst, seconded by F. W. Rodenberg, said bond was approved and ordered spread upon the minutes, all members of Council being present and voting Aye.
Sherman Applegate then resigned his position as President Pro Tem in favor of Mayor Henry Fischer who took his seat as presiding officer.
Sherman Applegate, President Pro Tem
On motion of Leon Herbst, seconded by Sherman Applegate, the Seal (of which the impress is below) was adopted and turned over to the custody of the Mayor, all members of Council being present and voting Aye.
C. H. Reemelin then moved that three standing committees to wit: Committee on Laws & Ordinances, Committee on Improvements and a Committee on Finance & Claims; each to consist of three members to be appointed by the Mayor, which was seconded by Mr. Fred Kenker and carried, all members being present and voting Aye.
The Mayor appointed the following Committees:
Committee on Laws and Ordinances | Chas H. Reemelin Sherman Applegate Leon Herbst |
Committee on Improvements Fred Kenker | Jacob Wagenbach Sherman Applegate |
Committee on Finance and Claims | F. W. Rodenberg Chas Reemelin Leon Herbst |
Leon Herbst was appointed to a committee of one to see what arrangements could be had with Mr. Edward Glaschein in regard to holding the Council meetings in the room we are now occupying and after being granted a leave of absence reported that we might use the rooms free of charge.
On motion of Chas H. Reemelin, seconded by F. W. Rodenberg, Mr. Ed Glaschein’s proposition was accepted and a vote of thanks tendered, all members of Council being present and voting Aye.
On motion of Leon Herbst, seconded by Fred Kenker, Edward C. Reemelin was employed to press any claims which the village might have to the amount of Dow & Road tax, about to be distributed at the August Settlement 1901, which motion was carried, all members of Council being present and voting Aye.
Sherman Applegate, Leon Herbst and Jacob Wagenbach were appointed to ascertain five public places within the limits of the Village where ordinances might be posted, and report said places at the next meeting of Council.
An ordinance regulating Ale, Beer and Porter Houses, and other places where intoxicating liquors are sold at retail was then offered and in motion referred to the Committee on Laws and Ordinances.
Council adjourned to meet Tuesday evening, July 23rd at 7:30 P.M.
Attest C.H.Reemelin, Clerk Pro Tem |
Approved Henry Fischer Mayor |
Information courtesy of the Cheviot Historical Society Archives