Every year Cheviot’s firefighters work diligently to help educate the public about fire safety. The month of October is nationally recognized as Fire Prevention Month. During this time, firefighters visit Cheviot’s nursery and elementary schools to give classes and demonstrations on how children can make their home and community safer. Throughout the rest of the year, the Fire Department provides CPR classes, tours for Scouts and other youth organizations. In addition, Captain Scott Scherpenberg heads the department’s Fire Inspection Bureau in an effort to educate and help business owners make their establishments safe for their customers.
The members of the Cheviot Fire Department would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to test their Smoke and CO detectors once a month. It is also recommended that the batteries in all detectors be changed twice in a year. Many people use the time to change their clocks as a good reminder to change their batteries. A smoke detector should be placed on the ceiling in every common and sleeping area of a home or business. A Carbon Monoxide detector should be placed on each floor of a single-family building and in every living unit in a multi-family dwelling.